ClimateBrief: Hydrogen-Fueled Trucks and Fleets Gain Support in California, But Face Uncertainties at the Federal Level

November 27th, 2024 by

Shifting from greenhouse gas-emitting fossil fuel diesel trucks and fleets to ze
emissions vehicles is a key piece for California in achieving its goal of net-zero GHG
emissions by 2045, as directed by AB 1279, which Governor Gavin Newsom signed in
2022. The state has made major strides to reduce diesel emissions by adding
renewable and bio-based diesel fuel to the petroleum-based diesel source. However,
the fuel displacement does not completely meet the state’s zero emission standards
and has incurred some controversy, as there are open questions as to what degree
California demand for biodiesel inputs has negative land use impacts, especially food
price spikes and deforestation.

With this combination of aspirations and concerns, California policy makers, and the
trucks and fleets market, look to zero-emissions vehicles as the ultimate endpoin
Zero-emissions trucks can be either electricity-generated or hydrogen-fueled.
Hydrogen-fueled trucks, like their light-duty, passenger vehicle corollaries, are a very
small market. But they have generated much interest, as hydrogen fuel charging
appears to be a good fit for larger transport vehicles.

“Everything is nascent and hydrogen is a small bucket, and we have a long way to go.
But hydrogen is a necessary technology to support the truck space,” Lisa McGhee,
zero-emission vehicle programs and affairs manager at Tom’s Trucks Center, tells
ClimateBrief. “It is like diesel compared to gasoline; diesel has so many benefits, that
why we don’t see gasoline in a class 8 truck. This is where hydrogen — for
performance, power — comes in. It does what diesel can do in terms of power and
performance, with less noise. There are a lot of plusses beyond the zero emissions.”

Read the full article here:

ClimateBrief_ Hydrogen-Fueled Trucks and Fleets Gain Support in California, But Face Uncertainties at the Federal Level – CEB Ar