Mega PDC: The First Select Dealer to Earn CPWD Certification in the Nation!

May 17th, 2018 by

Written by Chris Kaiser

The MEGA PDC prides itself on being the largest new and used parts inventory warehouse in the United States, and in having top-notch parts specialists. To stay ahead of the competition, we are always looking for new dealer programs to expand our parts knowledge and customer service.

Ford has an intensive program called Certified Parts Wholesale Dealer (CPWD) that helps parts warehouses maintain their current clients and build strong marketing strategies for new customers. The MEGA PDC is proud to have successfully completed the course.

This program has helped build a stronger line of communication with our customers, but also inside our warehouse walls. We have learned more effective ways to handle company meetings, and it has helped keep all employees on the same page.

We would like to thank Ford Motor Company for the opportunity to complete their program, and we are ready to take on their next challenge.

Posted in Mega PDC